Body care

Body care

3 solutions for cracked heels! How to make the pain go away

Cracked heels can be persistent, recurring, and incredibly painful. Personally, I have seen my mother suffer from cracke...
Body care

Acne during puberty | Causes, types & skincare solutions of teenage acne

It is very common to have acne on areas such as your face, neck, and back during puberty.This is often known as teenage ...
Body care

How to deal with greasy skin | Causes and care methods

Many people of all ages suffer from greasiness and shine. Some people have acne as well, while others feel that their sk...
Body care

How to Avoid Dry Skin: Why is my skin always dry?? Strategies and  Solutions for Dry Skin Problems.

What is skin dryness close-up on dry woman skin texture with dry soil Dry skin occurs when the water content within its ...
Body care

Prolonged Screentime Can Change Your Face!? Measures to Prevent Unwanted Facial Features

Earthcare Asia conducted a survey of 100 women aged 20~30 regarding their phone usage. Survey results93.2% of women clai...
Body care

How to EASILY Moisturize Your Body | Body Care Methods, Order & Recommended Products

"I moisturize my face but I don't have enough time to moisturize my body.""My entire body feels dry." There are many peo...
Body care

Is ‘silicone-free’ good for your hair?

If you’ve been keeping up with the latest beauty trends, you probably recognize the term ‘silicone-free.’ It has recentl...