My skin tingles from sunburn! Causes and correct care methods


In this article, we introduce why your skin tingles after sunburn and correct methods to take care of your skin.

We will also explain easy ways to prevent sunburn, so read carefully!

Why does my skin tingle after sunburn?

The reason why skin tingles after sunburn is because the skin becomes inflammed from the damage caused by UV rays.
Simply put, it is similar to a minor burn.

There are 2 types of UV rays that cause sunburns: UVA and UVB.
The one that causes the tingling pain after sunburn is caused by UVB sunburns.

Compared to UVA, UVB has a shorter wavelength so it does not reach deep into the skin.
However, it can reach the DNA in epidermal cells and destroy them.
If the UV dose exceeds the protective response of melanin, the epidermal cells are damaged, causing fever, blistering, and pain.

Medically, this is called sun dermatitis.
In other words, the reason why your skin tingles and hurts after sunburn is because the skin surface is damaged by excessive exposure to UVB.

On the other hand, sunburn caused by UVA darkens the skin.

Because of UVA’s longer wavelenth, it can penetrate through glass and reach deeper into the skin.

Although UVA sunburn does not cause tingling or pain, it activates melanin production, and denatures collagen and elastin.
This can cause wrinkles and sagging.

【After sunburn】4 correct methods to relieve the tingling pain from sunburn

Now that you know that UVB sunburn causes skin tingling, you might be wondering how to take care of your skin.

Of course, it is not a good idea to leave your sunburn unattended.

Here are 4 ways to relieve the pain when your sunburn is inflamed and painful.

1. Ice and cool down the skin

If your skin is tingling or in pain after sunburn, it is important to first cool it down.

Ice the skin to reduce inflammation, and prevent symptoms such as peeling and blistering.

Below are 3 different ways to cool down your tinglin skin.

① Use an icepack

Wrap an icepack in a towel and place it on the skin.

Do not directly place the icepack on your skin, as this will only cause more irritation.

Ice it for about 10~15 minutes.
Be careful not to ice it for a long period of time.

② Use a wet towel

Wet a towel with ice water and place it on the skin.

Do not rub the towel against your skin – only place it.

If the towel is no longer cold, use the other side or wet it again.

③ Take a cold shower or cold water bath

When taking a cold shower, wrap the sunburned skin with a towel or cloth and apply a gentle stream of water.

Do not shower directly with high water pressure, as it can irritate the skin.

If the sunburned area is large or you are concerned about your water bill, a cold water bath is also a good option.

2. Use medication that reduce pain and inflammation

If the inflammation caused by sunburn is severe, use over-the-counter medication.

Over-the-counter medications contianing heparin and zinc oxide have anti-inflammatory properties.

3. Consult a dermatologist

If the symptoms are severe, it can cause blisters, fever, and fatigue.

If the tingling pain is severe, consult a dermatologist.

4. Moisturize your skin

After sunburn, your skin needs to be properly moisturized because the skin’s skin barrier function is damaged and the skin becomes very dry.

In order to properly moisturize, you need to replenish both water and oil to your skin at the same time.
Water will hydrate your skin, and oil will maintain your skin’s moisture content.
Together, they can replace the moisture that was lost from sun exposure.

In addition, the skin becomes very sensitive when it is tingling.
Even the skincare products that you normally use may cause irritation or pain.

For example, toners often contain alcohols, which can irritate the skin.
Therefore, after sun exposure, choose alcohol-free or hypoallergenic skincare products.

Besides the irritation caused by the ingredients of skincare products, the use of many products on peeling skin can increase friction and irritation.
Therefore, it is important to moisturize your skin with minimal products.

In other words, the key points of proper moisturization care after sunburn are the following:

・Replenish water and oil at the same time
・Use products that do not contain alcohols and are low-stimulus
・Use a few products to reduce friction on the skin

One skincare product that passes all of the above points is Earthcare Asia’s Aquatect Gel.
Not only is it hypoallergenic and highly moisturizing, but it completes your skincare with just one product – making it perfect for skin that is peeling.

Aquatect Gel replenishes water and oil to your skin at the same time, and contains 16 moisturizing ingredients to repair your peeling skin.

It also has the functions of 7 skincare products:

  • Toners
  • Milky lotions
  • Creams
  • Serums
  • Body creams
  • Face mask
  • Makeup base

Your skincare will be complete with just one product.
Therefore, for skin that has been damaged by sun exposure, this product is perfect because it reduces the amount of friction and irritation on your skin.

In addition, it has passed 3 skincare safety tests, showing that Aquatect Gel does not cause irritation, burning, or itching on sensitive skin:

  • Stinging test
  • Allergy test
  • Patch test

【Before sunburn】3 correct methods to prevent skin tingling from sunburn

Below are 3 correct methods to prevent skin tingling from sunburn.

1. Make it a habit to apply sunscreen

It is important to get into the habit of applying suncreen – whether indoors or outdoors, sunny or rainy.

Many people apply sunscreen during spring and summer when the sun is out, but not during fall and winter.
The amount of UV rays does decrease in the fall and water, but they are still present throughout the year.
Therefore, it is important to apply sunscreen all year round.

However, even if you routinely apply sunscreen, it will be meaningless if you use a sunscreen that does not have proper UV protection.

There are 3 important points to consider when choosing a sunscreen:

・SPF value of 25~30
・PA indicator of ++

The SPF value is an indicator of how effective the sunscreen is in preventing UVB.

By looking at SPF values, you can see how much longer it will take the skin to turn red from sunburn when no UV protection is applied.
The higher the SPF value, the more effective it is at protecting against UVB.

However, the higher the SPF value, the greater the risk of skin damage.
Therefore, an SPF value of 25 to 30 is perfect.

PA is an indicator of how effective the sunscreen is in preventing UVA.
It is indicated by “+” and is expressed in 4 levels.
A PA++ rating is best for UVA protection.

In addition, since sunscreens can wash off with sweat, sunscreens with waterproof functions are best.

When applying sunscreen, be sure to spread it evenely and do not forget to apply it to your neck, collar bones, and ears.
It is also important to reapply sunscreen every 2 hours.

2. Use a sun umbrella and/or hat

UV protection items such as sun umbrellas and hats are effective in blocking direct sunlight.

UV protection items are created to cut UV rays or are coated with UV protection materials.

If the item is used for a long period of time, its UV-blocking properties may diminish.
Therefore, it is important to replace them every few years.

3. Wear a stole and/or arm covers

The neck, arms, and hands are exposed to the sun.
For these areas, use a stole or arm covers to protect them.

There are many types, such as cooling types that are easy to use even in the hot and humid summer months.

4. Wear sunglasses

To protect your eyes, wear sunglasses or glasses with UV-cut lenses.

Sunburn in the eyes has actually been linked to skin blemishes.
This is because the cornea of he eye absorbs UV rays, causing the brain to produce melanin.

UV rays can also damage the eye itself, putting it at risk for eye diseases such as keratitis, cataracts, and pterygium.

5. Avoid going outside when UV rays are the strongest

The amount of UV rays reaches its peak during spring and summer, especially between 10am and 2pm.

It is best to avoid going outside during these times as much as possible.
Try to go outside early in the morning or in the evening.

It is also effective to avoid places exposed to sunlight.
Be conscious of going into the shade or staying indoors.

FAQ about skin tingling from sunburn

1. How long will my skin tingle? How long will it take to heal?

A: Skin tingling from sunburn will typically get better after 3 days.

Redness, tingling, pain, and other sunburn symptoms will begin to appear within 2 to 3 hours of sun exposure.

As the inflammation subsides, the pain gradually lessens too.

2. What should I apply on my sunburn? Can I use Vaseline?

A: Vaseline can prevent moisture evaporation from the skin, but it cannot hydrate the skin.

After sunburn, your skin needs to be properly moisturized because the skin’s skin barrier function is damaged and the skin becomes very dry.

Vaseline alone cannot moisturize your skin.

It is important to conduct proper moisturizing care that replenishes water and oil to the skin.

3. Can I stick a cooling patch onto the tingling area?

A: It is not good to stick a cooling patch on areas that are red and tingling from sunburn.

It may seem like a good idea because the cooling patch can cool down the skin, but the adhesive can rip the skin.

Instead of using a cooling patch, use a wet towel or icepack.


If your skin tingles from sunburn, it is important to take appropriate measures and avoid long-term skin problems.

It is also important to take proper preventive measures, such as applying sunscreen on a regular basis, to protect your skin in the future.
