My skin is peeling from sunburn! Causes, correct care methods, and prevention


Especially during the summer heat, many of you may be struggling with the following concerns:

“What should I do if my skin is peeling from sunburn?”
“Why does skin peel after sunburn? How can I prevent it?”

In this article, we will introduce the reason why skin peels after sunburn and how you can take care of skin peeling.

We will also introduce how you can prevent skin peeling, so please read carefully!

Why does my skin peel after sunburn?

The reason why skin peels after sunburn is because the skin’s turnover cycle is accelerated due to UV radiaion.

The turnover cycle is the process in which old skin cells are renewed, and typicaly lasts 28~48 days.

However, when the skin surface is damaged from external stimuli, this cycle is disrupted.

One of those external stimuli is UV radiation.

If you do not use sunscreen and are under the sun for a long period of time, your skin cells receive a lot of damage.

In order to repair this damage, your body pushes the damaged skin cells to the surface and speeds up the turnover cycle.

This is why your skin peels after sunburn.

Generally, skin cells damaged by sunburn peels after 3~7 days.

The difference between people whose skin peels from sunburn and those whose does not

Generally, people who have low melanin levels are prone to redness and skin peeling as soon as they get sunburned.
In contrast, people who have high melanin levels are less prone to redness and skin peeling, even after sun exposure.

However, just because your skin doesn’t peel after sunburn, does not mean that you do not have to protect your skin from sun damage.

Your skin received a lot of damage just by being under the sun, so protecting your skin is important for everyone.

The difference between UV rays (UVA, UVB) and sunburn symptoms

There are 2 types of UV rays that cause sunburn: UVA and UVB.
They have different wavelengths

Depending on which UV ray affects your skin more, the symptoms of your sunburn will be different.

Greater UVA sun damage:
Sunburns from UVA are the so-called ‘suntans’ that make your skin darker.

Compared to UVB, UVA has a longer wavelength and reaches deeper into the skin. It denatures the proteins responsible for skin elasticity and can cause wrinkles and sagging.
UVA also stimulates the production of melanin or oxidizes existing melanin to make it darker.

Because UVA has a long wavelenth, it can penetrate through glass, so sunscreen is essential – even indoors.

Greater UVB sun damage:
Sunburns from UVB are the so-called ‘sunburns’ that make your skin red and cause peeling.

UVB has a short wavelength and does not reach deep into the skin, but it can reach the DNA in epidermal cells and destroy them.
This is what causes the skin to become red and inflammed.

Another cause of skin peeling is the accelerated turnover of the skin. This is the skin’s attempt at removin foreign substances, since damaged DNA can become cancerous.

However, the majority of UVB is absorbed by melanin produced in the skin surface.

Therefore, the major difference between people who get sunburns and people who do not is the difference in the amount of melanin they have in their skin.

【After sunburn】6 correct methods to take care of skin peeling from sunburn

After sunburn, it is important that you treat it as soon as possible.
Once you pass the peak of your sunburn symptoms, the treatment may not be effective.

The sooner the better, but it is importan to take care of your sunburned skin within 12 hours at the latest.

Below are 6 correct methods to effectively treat your sunburned skin.

1. Do not forcefully peel off your skin

It is not a good idea to forcefully peel off your skin when it is peeling from sun damage.

Forcefully peeling off your skin can introduce bacteria, making it inflamed and damage it more.

Although it may be bothersome, the best thing to do is to wait for the peeling skin to fall naturally.

2. Ice the sunburned area as soon as possible

If your skin is red from sunburn, it is important to ice it and relieve the inflammation.

Sunburns are the same as any burns, and contain a lot of heat.
If left untreated, it can become a blister.

4 ways to ice your sunburn
・Put an ice bag or ice cubes in a plastic bag, wrap it with a towel, and place onto your sunburn
・Wet a towel with ice cold water and place onto your sunburn
・Take a cold water bath
・ Wrap your sunburn with a towel and take a shower

It is not a good idea to directly apply something cold to your skin because it will lead to more stimulation.

It is also not a good idea to ice your sunburn for a long time.
Ice it for about 10~15 minutes.

Cool down your sunburn as soon as possible without irritating it further.

3. Hydrate frequently

After sunburn, your body is severely dehydrated.
In order to prevent skin peeling, it is important to hydrate your skin from within too.

It is best to hydrate with water or sports drinks.
Drinks that contain caffeine like coffee and tea should be avoided because they have diuretic properties that dehydrate your body.

Alcohol should also be avoided becuase it can worsen the inflammation caused by sunburn.

4. Get adequate nutrition and sleep

After sunburn, it is important o eat foods with antioxidant properities and to get enough sleep.
This will promote your skin’s repair.

The following nutrients are known to be effective in preventing skin problems after sun exposure.

Vitamin CRed bell pepper, broccoli, cauliflower, kiwi
Vitamin EWheat bran, almonds, eel
Vitamin B2Liver, seaweed, almonds
IronOysters, dried fish, meat jerky

Eat well-balanced meals with a focus on the foods listed above, and get good quality sleep.

5. Consult a dermatologist

If your sunburn worsens, it can cause pain and blisters, as well as fevers and fatigue.
In severe cases, it can cause a skin condition known as sun dermatitis.

If your symptoms are severe, it is best to consult a dermatologist.

6. Moisturize your skin

After sunburn, your skin needs to be properly moisturized because the skin’s skin barrier function is damaged and the skin becomes very dry.

In order to properly moisturize, you need to replenish both water and oil to your skin at the same time.
Water will hydrate your skin, and oil will maintain your skin’s moisture content.
Together, they can replace the moisture that was lost from sun exposure.

In addition, the skin becomes very sensitive when it peels.
Even the skincare products that you normally use may cause irritation or pain.

For example, toners often contain alcohols, which can irritate the skin.
Therefore, after sun exposure, choose alcohol-free or hypoallergenic skincare products.

Besides the irritation caused by the ingredients of skincare products, the use of many products on peeling skin can increase friction and irritation.
Therefore, it is important to moisturize your skin with minimal products.

In other words, the key points of proper moisturization care after sunburn are the following:

・Replenish water and oil at the same time
・Use products that do not contain alcohols and are low-stimulus
・Use a few products to reduce friction on the skin

One skincare product that passes all of the above points is Earthcare Asia’s Aquatect Gel.
Not only is it hypoallergenic and highly moisturizing, but it completes your skincare with just one product – making it perfect for skin that is peeling.

Aquatect Gel replenishes water and oil to your skin at the same time, and contains 16 moisturizing ingredients to repair your peeling skin.

It also has the functions of 7 skincare products:

  • Toners
  • Milky lotions
  • Creams
  • Serums
  • Body creams
  • Face mask
  • Makeup base

Your skincare will be complete with just one product.
Therefore, for skin that has been damaged by sun exposure, this product is perfect because it reduces the amount of friction and irritation on your skin.

In addition, it has passed 3 skincare safety tests, showing that Aquatect Gel does not cause irritation, burning, or itching on sensitive skin:

  • Stinging test
  • Allergy test
  • Patch test

【Before sunburn】3 correct methods to prevent skin peeling from sunburn

Below are 3 correct methods to prevent skin peeling from sunburn.

1. Make it a habit to apply sunscreen

It is important to get into the habit of applying suncreen – whether indoors or outdoors, sunny or rainy.

Many people apply sunscreen during spring and summer when the sun is out, but not during fall and winter.
The amount of UV rays does decrease in the fall and water, but they are still present throughout the year.
Therefore, it is important to apply sunscreen all year round.

However, even if you routinely apply sunscreen, it will be meaningless if you use a sunscreen that does not have proper UV protection.

The most important points to consider when choosing a sunscreen is its SPF and PA values.

SPF stands for “Sun Protection Factor” and is an indicator of how effective the sunscreen is in preventing UVB.
By looking at SPF values, you can see how much longer it will take the skin to turn red from sunburn when no UV protection is applied.
The higher the SPF value, the more effective it is at protecting against UVB.

However, the higher the SPF value, the greater the risk of skin damage.
Therefore, an SPF value of 25 to 30 is perfect.

PA is an indicator of how effective the sunscreen is in preventing UVA.
It is indicated by “+” and is expressed in 4 levels.
A PA++ rating is best for UVA protection.

In addition, since sunscreens can wash off with sweat, sunscreens with waterproof functions are best.

Now that you know how to choose sunscreens, it is also important that you know how to use it properly.
Here are the key points of how to apply sunscreen properly:

・Apply evenly
・Do not forget to apply to your ears, neck, collar bone area
・Reapply frequently (every 2 hours)

2. Use UV protection items

The most effective way to protect your skin from UV rays is to avoid exposing it to UV rays.

Here is a list of items that are suitable for UV protection:

・Sun umbrella
・Face cover
・Neck cover
・Arm cover

UV protection items are created to cut UV rays or are coated with UV protection materials.

If the item is used for a long period of time, its UV-blocking properties may diminish.
Therefore, it is important to replace them every few years.

3. Avoid going outside when UV rays are the strongest

The amount of UV rays reaches its peak during spring and summer, especially between 10am and 2pm.

It is best to avoid going outside during these times as much as possible.
Try to go outside early in the morning or in the evening.

It is also effective to avoid places exposed to sunlight.
Be conscious of going into the shade or staying indoors.

FAQ about skin peeling from sunburn

1. How long will my skin peel? How long will it take to heal?

A: The length of time it takes for our skin to return to its original state after sunburn depends on the type of sunburn.

In the case of UVA sunburn, the skin begins to darken around 3 days after sun exposure and returns to its original color within a few weeks to a few months.

On the other hand, in the case of UVB sunburn, redness will begin to appear within 2 to 3 hours of sun exposure.
Symptoms will settle down around 3 days later, with the skin beginning to peel and return to normal within 1 to 2 weeks.

However, if symptoms are severe, it may take more than 3 weeks to heal.
In this case, consult a dermatologist.

2. What happens if I accidentally peeled off the skin?

A: Even if you peel of the skin, in most cases, it will heal naturally.

However, if you feel severe pain, consult a dermatologist immediately.

3. Why does my skin turn white after peeling from sunburn?

A: This is a condition known as sea vitiligo.

It is a condition in which melanin is no longer produced due to damage to the melanocytes, where melanin production takes place.

This symptom will get better over time, but if it does not, consult a dermatologist.


When your skin peels from sunburn, it is important to take appropriate measures and avoid long-term skin problems.

It is also important to take proper preventive measures, such as applying sunscreen on a regular basis, to prevent your skin from peeling in the future.
