What is Sensitive Skin? Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

Sensitive skin

Dry and itchy skin is a common concern with seasonal and environmental changes.

Sensitive skin that is easily irritated could be stressful during the change of the seasons. However, we can prevent skin problems with proper care before you get your skin worsened.

In this article, we will share the causes of sensitive and fundamental treatments.

If you have sensitive skin, keep reading! You will find a way to understand the symptoms and causes of sensitive skin and find out how to care for it to maintain healthy skin.

“Sensitive skin” is a skin condition that can cause skin problems easily

There is no dermatological definition or standard for sensitive skin. 

According to “Sensitive Skin from a Dermatologist’s Perspective” (by Takashi Eto) in the Journal of the Japanese Society of Cosmetic Chemistry, sensitive skin is a type of skin that is easily affected by external factors without obvious skin problems.

Generally speaking, sensitive skin is a skin condition where the skin barrier function is impaired due to dryness, stress, or other factors, causing the skin to react to various stimuli and causing (or easily causing) problems.

In 2015, Shiseido conducted an awareness survey and found that more than 80% of 2,351 women in their 20s to 50s nationwide have sensitive skin.

Today, many adult women suffer from skin problems caused by sensitive skin.

Although the symptoms of sensitive skin vary from person to person, it is important to understand your symptoms and their causes well to take care of sensitive skin conditions and prevent associated skin problems.

In this chapter, we will share the common symptoms and causes of the most sensitive skin conditions.

Symptoms of sensitive skin

Many people who are aware of their sensitive skin have the following symptoms:

  • Tingling and stinging
  • Tendency to crack or dry out easily
  • Tendency to get acne
  • Tendency to get itchy
  • Vulnerable to physical irritation
  • Getting red when exposed to UV rays
  • Having an allergic condition
  • Tendency to be affected around the time of menstruation
  • Tendency to get skin problems during seasonal changes
  • Feeling discomfort when changing cosmetics

The skin becomes more sensitive to various irritants such as cosmetics and environmental changes that are difficult to feel when the skin is in a healthy state.

Symptoms may appear not only on the face but also on the entire body. The symptoms of sensitive skin vary. They include tingling, itching, dryness, and acne. 

What is happening to the skin when you feel that your skin is sensitive?

The skin has a “barrier function” that protects the body from various external stimuli and prevents water from leaving the body. It is said that various skin problems, which are considered symptoms of sensitive skin, are caused by a decline in the barrier function of the skin.

Sensitive skin is caused by a decline in the barrier function

The skin’s barrier function protects it from external stimuli and prevents the evaporation of water from the body. This impaired barrier function causes sensitive skin and a variety of skin problems.

The skin barrier function is kept by the stratum corneum, which covers the outermost layer of the skin, and the sebum film on the surface of the stratum corneum. The stratum corneum is as thin as a sheet of plastic wrap (0.02 mm) and is composed of stratum corneum cells and intercellular lipids. If stratum corneum cells were bricks, intercellular lipids play the role of cement to build up the bricks without gaps. Stratum corneum cells contain Natural Moisturizing Factor (NMF), which retains water. The water retained by NMF is kept in the body by the gapless structure built by intercellular lipids.

The sebum film protects the skin as a barrier function.

The sebum film is a protective film formed with the mixture of sebum secreted from the sebum glands and sweat secreted from the sweat glands. This prevents excessive evaporation of water from the surface of the skin. The stratum corneum retains water, and the sebum film prevents evaporation of that water, keeping the skin moist.

This function keeps the barrier function and protects the skin from external stimuli.

Then, when does the skin’s barrier function decline? There are two main factors that are said to impair the barrier function: external factors and internal factors.

Let’s look at external factors and internal factors individually.

Poor barrier function due to external factors

External factors that decrease the skin’s barrier function and make the skin more sensitive include the followings:

  • UV rays
  • Changes in temperature, humidity, and other outside factors
  • Cosmetics and skincare products
  • Pollen
  • Sweat
  • Dust
  • House dust and mites, etc.

UV rays damage the cells that form the stratum corneum’s base, which negatively impacts the formation of the normal barrier function.

Dryness reduces the water and oil levels in the stratum corneum and sebum film. Thus, it causes a decrease in the barrier function.

Frictional irritation of the skin caused by the wrong use of cosmetics and skin care products can damage the thin stratum corneum and reduce the barrier function.

When the barrier function is decreased, external stimuli such as pollen and dust can easily get into the skin. Pollen and dust that entered the skin with a lowered barrier function will cause itchiness, and the thin stratum corneum will be peeled off by scratching the skin.

This leads to a negative skin condition that makes the skin even more sensitive to external stimuli.

Poor barrier function due to internal factors

Next, we will explain the internal factors that reduce the skin’s barrier function.

  • Lack of sleep
  • Irregular eating habits
  • Psychological fatigue
  • Menstruation
  • Pregnancy
  • Menopause

During sleep, growth hormone, which is secreted actively, promotes cell division in the skin and turnover which is the renewal of skin cells.

However, if the skin cell turnover is disrupted due to a lack of sleep, the natural barrier function of the stratum corneum will be impaired.

In addition, it is said that irregular eating habits and a lack of intake of vitamins that maintain healthy skin also reduce the skin’s barrier function.

According to a study called “Relationship between skin condition and the intake of nutrients, metabolism, and autonomic nervous system activity in young women” conducted by the Japanese Society of Nutrition and Food Science, it was found that among 54 women aged 20 to 22, those who consumed more vitamin A and vitamin B1 had more water in their stratum corneum and less water evaporation than those who consumed less vitamin. 

Furthermore, it has been reported that there is a relationship between psychological state and skin condition.

In the study above, those people who answered that they are spending every day in a happy mood tended to have more water in the stratum corneum and less water evaporation than others.

Female hormone fluctuations caused by menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause are another cause of impaired skin barrier function.

Hormonal balance and the skin’s barrier function are closely related. We will explain the relationship between sensitive skin and female hormones in detail later.

What to do when you feel that you may have sensitive skin

If you feel that you may have sensitive skin and experience skin problems, you should consider the causes of a weakened barrier function mentioned above to see if there is anything that may apply to you.

Understanding the current skin condition and its causes are very important to take care of sensitive skin problems that tend to repeat. 

Moreover, I will explain some of the ways you can try to solve the problem.

Follow a proper skincare routine for sensitive or dry skin

Skin with impaired barrier function is more vulnerable to external stimulation, so you need to pay special attention to skincare. Please reduce the friction that irritates the skin as much as possible.

In addition, the barrier function is maintained by the skin’s retention of water, so skin with a poor barrier function is in a dry condition.

Skin problems that seem to be caused by excessive sebum, such as acne, are often caused by an imbalance with oil due to water evaporation, so moisturizing care that replenishes water is essential.

Reducing the burden on the skin and keeping the skin well hydrated are two important factors when you do skincare. Consider the following when doing skincare: 

  • Cleansing and washing the face without rubbing the skin
  • Keeping the water temperature about human skin temperature when you wash your face (around 35 degrees Celsius).
  • Choosing a makeup remover/face wash that does not leave your skin feeling tight after use.
  • Not wiping off the water after washing the face, but gently patting the face with a towel.
  • Putting moisturizer on every time you feel dryness.
  • Applying moisturizer gently to avoid friction.
  • Using a sufficient amount of moisturizer that feels moisturizing
  • Using sunscreen throughout the year and reapplying it frequently

Please check articles for more details, including skin care tips for each step of the skin care process and tips for selecting makeup products.

Improving your lifestyle

It is highly recommended to change your lifestyle to care for sensitive skin and prevent impaired barrier function. Your diet and the quality of your sleep affect the condition of your skin.

Here are some tips and benefits of reviewing your lifestyle, so please start with what you can do in your daily life.


Deep sleep promotes the secretion of growth hormones, which promotes skin turnover. According to the pharmaceutical company SS, the secretion of growth hormones reaches its peak approximately three hours after falling asleep. Moreover, it is said that the turnover process is more active between 10:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m.

You should avoid using your phone before going to bed to help you fall asleep smoothly. It is said that aroma can relieve stress and have a psychologically relaxing effect. Try it if you have a hard time falling asleep.


It is essential to intake the proper nutrients from the diet to keep the skin barrier function working properly. Vitamins and protein are especially important nutrients to intake. Vitamin intake affects the skin’s water retention and water evaporation. 

Protein is also essential for normal skin turnover. 

Fruits, natto (fermented soybeans), and yogurt, which you can have without cooking, are easy sources of vitamins and protein.

Excessive intake of carbohydrates and fats should also be avoided.


It has been reported that psychological stress can also affect skin conditions.

A gapless structure of intercellular lipids is essential to maintain normal skin barrier function. However, ceramide, the main component of intercellular lipids, is reduced by stress. Light cardio exercises such as a quick run or a brisk walk can be effective in relieving stress.

Alcohol and caffeine

Be careful when drinking alcohol or caffeine a lot. The body tends to get itchy when it is warmed up by drinking, and the act of scratching peels off the thin layer of the stratum corneum that maintains the barrier function. 

Caffeine blocks the absorption of zinc, which is very important for maintaining healthy skin. Zinc is a substance that promotes the metabolism of proteins that build skin. A lack of zinc due to excessive caffeine intake can lead to skin irritation.

Consult a dermatologist

Knowing the proper way to care for the skin through a dermatologist’s diagnosis is also an effective way to solve the problem.

Skin with impaired barrier function is easily irritated by even the slightest irritation and using the wrong over-the-counter medications or skin care products that do not suit your skin can worsen your skin problems.

In some cases, a person may do a skincare routine specifically for rough skin caused by sensitivity, yet it may turn out that they are actually diagnosed with a different skin condition. 

If you have any concerns, please see a dermatologist for an accurate diagnosis of your current skin condition to ensure proper and effective care.

The dermatologist will diagnose the skin based on the results of a medical interview and tests. Prior to the visit, you should summarize “how and why the outbreak occurred”, and  “the possible cause of the condition, for instance, environmental and diet changes” in advance.

Having a family dermatologist can help you get the best care plan for your skin, by being able to understand the strength of the medication and the length of time to apply it.

Find a dermatologist you trust and discuss any skin changes or problems you may be having.

Relationship between sensitive skin and female hormones

Hormones are important substances that regulate the body. Female hormones are closely related to the condition of the skin.

Female hormones help maintain skin moisture and skin elasticity, so when female hormones are in balance, the skin remains healthy and steady. 

The secretion of female hormones decreases as you get older. The amount and balance of female hormone secretion also change with the menstrual cycle and changes in life stages.

Decreased secretion or imbalance of female hormones can lead to an impaired barrier function of the skin.

For changes in female hormones caused by age and menstrual cycles, you should take proper care of your skin according to each cycle.


Female hormones help maintain water content in the skin to keep it elastic and hydrated, promote collagen synthesis, and prevent wrinkles and sagging.

Although female hormones play an important role in maintaining healthy skin, their secretion decreases with age.

There are two types of female hormones: estrogen (follicle hormone) and progesterone (luteinizing hormone).

Progesterone helps to maintain the inner lining of the uterus, making it easier for a fertilized egg to land on the uterus.

On the other hand, estrogen is a hormone that plays a major role in the skin’s look and helps to maintain collagen and water content. It promotes the production of epidermal cells, which are the source of the stratum corneum, and the synthesis of ceramide, an intercellular lipid that functions as a barrier to the skin.

Estrogen is secreted from the ovaries.

However, the function of the ovaries decreases with age, and the amount of estrogen secreted drops accordingly.

As estrogen secretion declines, the skin barrier function also declines, and the skin is unable to retain sufficient water. This leads to a dry skin condition.

As estrogen secretion changes, previously used skin care products may no longer be suitable for your skin. It is important to replenish the skin’s water content by moisturizing care. Skin in a dry state is more sensitive to irritation, so use low-irritant and highly moisturizing skin care products.

It is also important to maintain a diet rich in protein and vitamins.

Isoflavones in soybeans have an estrogen-like nature, so you should actively consume isoflavones from natto (fermented soybeans), tofu, etc.


Many women experience skin irritations around their period.

Why does the skin become more sensitive and likely to get rough before and during the period? Knowing the changes in female hormones that happen during the period cycle is the key to caring for sensitive skin.

A woman’s menstrual cycle is divided into the luteal phase (before the period), period, the follicular phase (after the period), and the ovulation phase. I will explain the female hormones and skin changes that occur during each of these phases, and how to take care of your skin during these periods.

Estrogen and progesterone change rapidly during the luteal phase. 

During the luteal phase, sebum production and skin water evaporation increase, and the barrier function is impaired. During the luteal phase, the skin is more likely to get acne due to the increased sebum secretion, yet the internal skin is dry and the barrier function is impaired.

This is also the time when blemishes from sunburn are more likely to appear due to the estrogen that stimulates the production of melanin. During the luteal phase, it is important to take care of the skin, focusing on washing the face, moisturizing, and protecting the skin from UV rays.

During the period, progesterone remains stable, while estrogen gradually increases as the period ends. The excessive sebum secretion goes down and the skin condition stabilizes as the second half of the menstrual period comes. 

However, anemia and poor blood circulation due to periods can lead to dull skin conditions. You should continue moisturizing care before periods, as well as maintain an iron-rich diet and keep your body warm during periods.

During the follicular phase, progesterone stabilizes, and estrogen, which brings elasticity and moisture to the skin, increases. Thus, the skin will be in a healthy state after period. Peeling and face masks are effective during this period.

When estrogen reaches its peak, the ovulatory phase begins. Progesterone gradually increases from the beginning of the ovulatory phase, and estrogen begins to decrease as the ovulatory phase comes to an end.

The skin becomes sensitive due to the changes in the two hormones.

To minimize skin problems during the luteal phase as much as possible, you should carefully take care of your skin to support the barrier function. To avoid frictional irritation with moisturizers, you should apply and spread them gently and evenly.


During pregnancy, the skin condition can be very sensitive and change easily due to the change in female hormones. From the time of pregnancy until delivery, progesterone and estrogen levels increase rapidly.

Turnover is also promoted, and some people feel that their skin becomes more elastic and glossy during pregnancy. On the other hand, due to changes in hormonal balance, acne and blemishes can appear more easily. 

You should use sunscreen and sun shades to protect against UV rays. 

During pregnancy, the skin barrier function is impaired due to rapid hormonal balance changes. 

This leads to dry skin. Since dryness tends to appear all over the body, moisturizing care should be applied to all parts of the body. The belly area, which will change in size dramatically as the skin is pulled, should be moisturized carefully. This will prevent stretch marks caused by dryness. 

Sudden changes in hormonal balance may cause intense itchiness all over the body. Scratching can worsen the symptoms, so if the symptoms are severely itchy, you should see a dermatologist as soon as possible.


As mentioned briefly earlier, the production of female hormones declines as we get older.

During menopause, around 45 to 55 years old, the function of the ovary decreases and estrogen decreases. 

The severe changes in female hormones cause disorders in the autonomic nervous system and mental state, and many people suffer from severe symptoms known as menopause. The skin during menopause is dry due to a lack of water in the skin. As a result, the skin barrier function is impaired and the skin gets more sensitive to irritation.

In addition, skin problems start to appear caused by UV rays that damaged the skin previously, and melasma caused by hormone disruption.

As estrogen, which produces skin elasticity, decreases, wrinkles increase, and sagging occurs when the subcutaneous tissue and muscles are damaged.

Same as skin care for aging, nutritional intake through diet, moisturizing care, and UV protection are important.


The important factor in caring for sensitive skin is to understand the skin condition and its causes and to apply skincare that is suitable for the symptoms.

  • Sensitive skin is a condition where the barrier function is impaired.
  • Causes of sensitive skin include external factors such as UV rays and internal factors such as stress.
  • Skincare for sensitive skin should be low irritant and moisturizing.
  • Improving lifestyle and seeing a dermatologist is also effective.
  • Sensitive skin and female hormones are closely related.

I hope you have a better understanding of how “sensitive skin is a skin condition that is acquired, not something you are born with.” Since it is something acquired, there are always ways to treat it.

I hope this article was helpful and help you find out if anything that I mentioned applies to you. 
